Sunday, January 27, 2008

Goodbye To Guinans, wish I'd been there in person.

This NYT piece by Peter Applebome, Farewell to a Pub, and Maybe to an Era is about a beloved little place in our old hometown (1991-2004). I can't say that I was a regular at Irish Night or drank there daily (like some of my old pals) but I loved it nonetheless. It was where I stopped in before jumping on the train. It's where I picked up the local paper. Or grabbed a bagel. It's where I spent one of my favorite afternoons drinking with Grace and Tim, in awe of the sparkling Hudson River. It was very real. It was absolutely magical. It was the heart and symbolic center for that beloved wooded hamlet, 50+ miles outside of NYC, where my kids grew up.

Farewell to a Pub, and Maybe to an Era

Gwendolyn Bound's blog, Little Chapel on the River, with more photos and stories:

(P.S. Mary Ellen - really hoping you can keep it going in a new incarnation. - Regards from Austin!)

1 comment:

Forrest Preece said...

Thanks for this story-- I didn't do my usual scouring through the NYT yesterday.

I would have hated to miss this one! Wow-- made me feel like I was there. What a shame that it is closing.

Looking back, I felt that way about Jake's and Caruso's in Austin.