Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Rendezvousing with my sister for the first time in a year, we sit to breakfast with her 18 year old son. He waxes on about the late hours up last night, researching and getting his mind blown by an amazing sound engineer/producer. He's so turned on, he's emailed the guy. Nancy innocently asks his name. At the answer, we both lock eyes and I reach for the laptop. Could it be? And ah yes, the telltale signs are there - childhood in Westchester, Masters in SF in the mid 70's, and finally the photo - we break out into guffaws. It's someone we each knew well, had no idea was a mover and shaker in the music world. Nancy tight friends in High School. Me, later, in my college years, his grad school. We laugh and laugh and laugh and say, Mil0 - you have got to write him back! Tell him N & J P sisters say hi. It's a delight for me for days. John says who cares? Why should I care about someone you knew in High School?

My mom emails with excitement about someone she's run into on the bus - the parent of someone I barely remember pre-6th grade. I tell her I don't care. She's hurt. John says he doesn't care about the sound engineer and I wonder what's wrong with him? It's funny! It's random! It's another great evidence of It's a Small World - the tape loop that runs my world. A day later, I get an email about a workshop by a rarified psychic and forward to my ex therapist. She emails back, "How Strange....I just finished the book by the psychic a hour prior...so, sure I signed up." Our nephew's girlfriend summering in Buenos Aries moves to Austin for grad school and rooms with a film student, perhaps I know him? A good friend it turns out. The small world redeux. It never ends. It's the puzzle that pleasures for me. Nancy says my endless connections insufferable - who cares about all these different people! Why do we need to hear? But it's what makes life interesting to me. The endless connections, the ever growing puzzle. My film fest programmer friend constantly refers to his work as a giant jigsaw puzzle. Well that's now how I see my life. Enjoying the random connections, and the ones I can draw in my Fairy Godmother like day to day.

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