Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Growing up reading the newspaper

I totally related to this.

David Carr, NYT media reporter and blogger (via Risky Biz blog reminder) on the demise of the newspaper habit.

In the house where I grew up, everybody ate breakfast at the same time. The younger ones would sit at the table elbowing one another for toast while my dad stood, drinking coffee and reading The Minneapolis Star Tribune.

He would mumble and curse at the headlines, check the sports and then tell us it was time to go. When my brother John became a teenager, he left the table and would eat his toast, leaning against the washing machine and reading the paper as well.

This, I thought, is what it means to be a grown-up. You eat your food standing up, and you read the newspaper. So I did the same thing when I turned 13. I still do. ....

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