Monday, June 11, 2007

I actually love this little computer "game" below. Found it by idly checking out the most recent from the Four Eyed Monsters duo. They've been relentless and inventive about promoting their indie feature and themselves since their sxsw premiere in 2005. I missed it at the fest, watched a bit on a screener, was intrigued, got distracted, and ever since have been just watching their attempts at audience building -- never having actually finished the film. I've just been observing their creative moves on Myspace, self-directed theatrical screenings, Second Life and Sundance, now You Tube and They've made their film available this week only for free on You Tube - I believe it's the first feature available that way. And you can buy the download or dvd via They've also got a promotion where if you join using their entree, they get paid $1. I was looking to see the latest total when I ran into this page of DIY promotional ideas, and found this little game. See how successful they are?! I was so intrigued with this little computer graphic game that I've pasted it into my blog and have even been writing about them. At the end of the day it'll be interesting to see how many people pay for the priviledge of seeing their film, how much people like it, and whether money or opportunities will revert back to the duo. In the meantime, I've got to give them a hand exploring all the mediums and working like mad on that never ending question - how to connect creative work with an audience.


......................Watch Episode 7

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