Sunday, January 21, 2007

What a delightful weekend

A delightful weekend though I have to confess, I hate the question, "And how was your weekend?" Most of my life isn't delineated into weeks and weekends. And even when it was, weekends were more often dreaded than enjoyed. But this weekend was a surprising amount of fun. Just finished watching the Colts/Patriots game with my two football nuts. I think they were amused and surprised by my questions and engagement. Certainly fun for me to tap into their male bonding.

Last night I took some deep breaths, and conquered my little fears, to attend my studio's monthly salsa social. I knew it was time to take the dancing up a notch. And I was hoping that I was a regular enough that I'd find some dancing partners. But it was still a gamble. I didn't know who else would show, and really didn't know if they would choose to dance with me. In a class, it's easy - everyone dances with everyone else. In a social it's free choice. I don't remember being much of a wallflower in 7th grade but the fear still exists. So I tried not to arrive too early. Then I stopped by a nearby Starbucks when the parking lot seemed too empty. Finally I went in. There were only a few people there -and all couples. I took some more deep breaths. Chatted up the studio teachers running the show. A stranger asked me to dance and was both patiently teaching me and criticizing. Ugh. I watched some fantastic pairs doing the real thing, chatted them up, and appreciated their words of encouragement and inspiration. Eventually one of my favorite partners showed and we started to dance. A lot. Simply. Cracking each other up, easy with each other as we tried to figure out what to do. It was great to feel that comfortable. I stayed for hours - enjoying some terrific dances along with some misfires. But the vibe was fun and supportive and I'm exhilarated and thrilled I traveled outside my comfort zone to go.

Friday night, John and I met our daughter to check out The Hitcher - in what we thought might be her first onscreen movie credit. She wanted to see how her work turned out. Not my normal movie fare -- too gory and terrifying. But the leads were cute and everything actually looked great. Lovely to be there with our production gal. As John and I cracked up enjoying the coming attractions (particularly for Hot Fuzz, which looks hilarious) our daughter said, "See you're the only people I can see movies with because you laugh out loud. No one else does that."

1 comment:

Joe Swanberg said...

Yay! for doing something you're scared of.